Info about the site implementation and tips for getting around.
Navigating this Website
On most site pages including this one:
- Links that take you to other sites are suffixed with a faded "↗" upper-right pointing arrow.
- The Navigation bar at top of the page progressively expands to show links to all pages on the site.
- (The mechanism is a work-in-progress implemented by me.)
- On smaller screens like mobile the navigation menus are revealed if you click the upper-right hamburger menu.
- The upper right of most page's content area has one or two shaded boxes that you can click to show neighboring or contained pages.
- Pages with sections headers have a table of contents on the upper right above the shaded boxes.
- Use the "Search Site" box on upper right to find pages that have matches for text searches.
- Use our Extended Site Search to find items by criteria like content type or modification date.
- There's a page with a site map. There's a link to it at the bottom of every page.
- There's lots of linking between pages