
    my version of a cluster configuration script, circa 2009, this one was supplanted buildout.cfg - see related files.

    # NOTE: we have switched to using a buildout.cfg based on the
    # plone-3.x buildout, see related-file buildout.cfg instead.
    extends =
    parts =
    # Uncomment the following quills line (and the others) to include quills:
    #    quills
    # Uncomment optional products you want *available* for use in your instances:
    # I haven't tried load deadlockdebugger for a while, after it was failing.
    address = 8080
    zeo-address = 9080
    extra-paths =
    # Uncomment the following quills line (and the others) to include quills:
    #  ${quills-settings:extra-paths}
    products =
    # Uncomment the following quills line (and the others) to include quills:
    #    ${quills-settings:products}
    # Uncomment the optional products you want included in all your instances:
    # i enable these debugging tools only in client2, not in all instances:
    user = ${common:user}
    address = ${common:address}
    extra-paths =
    products =
    eggs =
    effective-user = plone
    zcml =
    # Uncomment the following quills line (and the others) to include quills:
    #    ${quills-settings:zcml}
    user = ${common:user}
    zeo-address = ${common:zeo-address}
    products =
    eggs =
    effective-user = plone
    cache-size = 100MB
    zcml =
    # Uncomment the following quills line (and the others) to include quills:
    #    ${quills-settings:zcml}
    user = ${common:user}
    zeo-address = ${common:zeo-address}
    extra-paths =
    products =
    eggs =
    effective-user = plone
    port-base = 11000
    cache-size = 100MB
    zcml =
    # Uncomment the following quills line (and the others) to include quills:
    #    ${quills-settings:zcml}
    user = ${common:user}
    zeo-address = ${common:zeo-address}
    extra-paths =
    products =
    eggs =
    effective-user = plone
    port-base = 11100
    cache-size = 100MB
    zcml =
    # Uncomment the following quills line (and the others) to include quills:
    #    ${quills-settings:zcml}